uggs outlet Excellent points. Here in Wisconsin it's Open Enrollment time. I visited the webpage of the school we are interested in and then emailed them for more information.However, I was very excited to learn about Doggie Chalet where the obviously dog loving couple takes the dogs directly into their own home and allows them to live as they would in their owner's homes. They specialize in small and medium dogs (for logistical reasons), and I was very happy to learn that they love pugs! I have received high praise and recommendations for Doggie Chalet from several friends, and she's high on my list for any needed puppy sitting needs. So far, Titus has stayed with grandma and grandpa and his young uncles (who love having a dog for a week or so), and a dog friend with a bigger dog who has a blast with Titus and crouches down low so that Titus won't be at a disadvantage when it's his turn to tackle! I think he doesn't mind a bit