
ke článku: Jetta`s Winning-Joy-G - JOY
ze dne 17.02.2009, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 12.07.2014 00:04:30
Autor: NikitaJom (r8sx7i9j@k.cheapmichaelkorslocations.com)
Titulek: Environmentally friendly Homeowner Goes to Popular Cook Go shopping
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"Environmentally friendly Homeowner Goes to Popular Cook Go shopping"

Jméno (přezdívka): 

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06.07.2009: We are planing new litter, for more info please contact me!

26.05.2009: All pups have their new homes!!

23.03.2009: Pups are three weeks old, have new pictures and still some looking for new home!
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